Updating Vectorworks products

Between major releases, Vectorworks publishes regular service packs that include maintenance releases and sometimes add features or functionality, as well as smaller updates that address more urgent issues.

The system also checks for updates to third-party products installed using the Install Partner Products command (see Acceso a productos externos) and notifies you if any exist.

To obtain updates:

Do one of the following:

Select to Automatically check for updates on a weekly or monthly basis from the Session pane of Vectorworks preferences (see Vectorworks preferences: Session pane).

Select Help > About Vectorworks, and then click Check for Updates from the About Vectorworks dialog box. Alternatively, select Help > Check for Updates (Windows) or Vectorworks > Check for Updates (Mac).

When checking for updates automatically, a notification displays only when an update is available. You can manually check for updates between automatic checks.

A dialog box opens to indicate whether the software is up to date, or if an update is available.

If an update is available, click More Info to open the Vectorworks Update Control Center, which will guide you through the update process. If it is inconvenient to update the software at this time, click Cancel.

When opening the Vectorworks Update Control Center, it may need to update itself. If so, click Update; it will update and then launch.

After launching, the Vectorworks Update Control Center will indicate in the text on the left whether an update is available, or your version of Vectorworks is up to date.

If an update is available, click Update to begin. If Vectorworks is still open, the updater will prompt you to close Vectorworks before starting the update.

During the update, the necessary files are automatically downloaded and installed. When complete, you will have the option to launch the newly updated Vectorworks.

Vectorworks Update Control Center advanced options

If something other than a routine update is needed, the Vectorworks Update Control Center offers advanced options.

To access the advanced options:

Click the Advanced Options menu and select the operation to run.




Scans your Vectorworks 2022 installation folder and replaces any missing or corrupted files it identifies. If your Vectorworks folder has become damaged, you may use this to fix the problem.

Update Code

Provides a mechanism for Vectorworks to distribute special versions of Vectorworks to address specific issues. If Tech Support has given you an update code, enter the code to receive any software updates designated for that code.

Check for Updates

Checks for updates from within the updater

Offline Update

Allows an update when there is no internet connection, using a pre-downloaded .vwupdate file 

Download Update

Allows you to download a .vwupdate file for use with the
Offline Update option

Updating Vectorworks offline

In situations where there is no reliable internet connection, or when you may need to perform multiple updates with a single download, use an offline update file.

To update Vectorworks offline:

Click Advanced Options and select Download Update.

A dialog box opens. Specify the type of download file required.

Click to show/hide the parameters.Click to show/hide the parameters.




Downloads an update that applies to any previous version of Vectorworks.

Downloads a smaller update that updates only the selected Target Version.


Selects the operating system for the update file

Update Code

Leave the default selection, main, unless you have a custom code from
technical support

Download Location

Specify the location for the update file

Click Download.

To install the update offline, click Advanced Options and select Offline Update.

When prompted, select the .vwupdate file that was downloaded earlier. The update installs automatically.




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